AEG Newsletter

First Quarter - 2018 | Issue #1






“With our dedication and cutting-edge solutions, we expect to expand our reach and widen our range of services greatly”



Word from the CEO


Cyber Security has been on the top of 2017 highlights as far as the financial community, banks and SWIFT network users are concerned. As a result, we are now applying advanced protection measures against cyber-attacks. AEG is proud to be ahead as a proactive solution provider offering comprehensive and fully integrated solutions for compliance with SWIFT’s CSP Security Program. With the beginning of 2018, we started implementing compliance solutions at a number of banks – some of which are tier-one banks. With our dedication and cutting-edge solutions, we expect to expand our reach and widen our range of services greatly; especially that the number of banks connected to our Service Bureau is getting bigger and bigger. AEG SB is offering a number of services that banks can leverage to achieve higher levels of productivity and efficacy beside the initial SWIFT services.

Moreover, the rise of blockchain technology has caught our special interest and we are very active studying this field to offer our customers solutions fully-integrated with core-banking applications to meet their specific needs. We are always looking forward to achieving more success in alliance with our partners and our customers.

Dr. Mohamed Sadek – CEO and General Manager

Data Privacy: How to stay safe online?

As information technology is rapidly progressing and changing, data security is getting more and more critical. “With everyone connected to the internet using emails, social media, online shopping in addition to other business-related internet services, data is becoming more out there and easier to find. Your connected systems, phone accounts have a higher chance of compromise”, explained the Head of Security at AEG Mr. Tarek El Harakeh, “as helpful and advantageous this can be, it is however exposing your accounts and your, more or less, sensitive data.”

According to Forbes, 52% of users aren’t sure how to secure connected devices and apps. This percentage is regarded as significant, especially if it includes a number of users with critical data. As part of the financial and cyber community, we find that it is part of our duty to spread awareness in this regard. For that matter, below is a list of few tips from Mr. El Harakeh on how to stay safe online and protect your personal information.

1.     Never share sensitive data online (password, credit card info, pin code, etc.)

2.     Limit the amount of personal information you post on social media

3.     Check privacy policies of applications to know what privileges you are granting them

4.     Use complicated passwords and change them frequently

5.     Use 2-Factor Authentication

6.     Trust websites that use https only and not http, especially shopping websites

7.     Never open an attachment from an unknown sender

8.     Never respond or click on links of prizes and attractive offers on random websites, these are scams

9.     Keep your protection software up-to-date

Always seek to educate yourself about new cyber security threats as they keep evolving and getting more vicious and fierce with time; and make sure you follow professional recommendations on information security and privacy.



In This Issue



01.       Data Privacy: How to stay Safe online?



02.       AEG’s Vault: Our NEW Comprehensive Security Solution in Response to SWIFT CSP



03.       Migration to SWIFT Release 7.2



04.       First Quarter Highlights




“Don’t share every single detail about you on social media, it makes you an easier target”




Looking for one comprehensive solution that does the job perfectly?

AEG’s Vault is what you want


First Quarter Highlights

New Contracts Signed

ü  Central Bank of Cyprus: Vault

ü  Bank of Cyprus: Vault

ü  Cyprus Development Bank: Vault  

ü  Housing Bank for Trade and Finance –Jordan: Vault

ü  Jordan Islamic Bank – Jordan: Vault

ü  Audi – Jordan: Vault

ü  NBK – Bahrain: SmartFT

ü  Suez Canal Bank – Egypt: Swapping TurboSWIFT to Alliance Access, SmartFT, and Extended Support

ü  Trade Bank Of Iraq: CSP Consultancy

ü  Cihan Bank - Iraq: Service Bureau, System Care and CSP Consultancy

ü  CIB – Egypt: Service Bureau and System Care

ü  Banque Misr: Connect:Direct

ü  First Energy Bank: Connectivity, Service Bureau and CSP Gap Assessment

New Clients Joined AEG

ü  Al-Mustachar Islamic Bank – Iraq

ü  EFG Hermes EG – Egypt

ü  Wendkuni Bank International – Burkina-Faso

ü  Jordan Investment Bank

ü  Jordan Commercial Bank


AEG’s Vault

Our NEW comprehensive Security Solution for Compliance with SWIFT Customer Security Program (CSP)

../Vault/Vault-logo.jpgIn response to the new realities that have encountered the financial community lately, we at AEG, stepped forward in the direction of a proactive solution by creating a full package that encompasses a body of multiple tools that meet the needs of this new technological era.

Becoming compliant with any of the governance programs can be a long and complicated process. In a nutshell, the process can be chaotic and putting the business under the risk of uncovered gaps. While customers must respond to their business needs with no headache and with minimum responsibility on their behalf, they look for one comprehensive solution that just works and delivers.

Since our mission is to make your life easier, we have released the Vault.

The Vault

Technical Controls: After arranging a project plan and agreeing on the hardware requirements. The team engages in building the solution to comply with all governance controls. Technical controls are achieved using the following:

1.    Security Products:

a.     Dual Factor Authentication

b.     Session recording and user access management

c.     File integrity monitoring

d.     Application-to-application authentication (LAU)

2.    OS and Systems Infrastructure:

a.     Hyper-convergence virtualization technology

b.     Dedicated active directory, orchestrator, enterprise datacenter firewall

c.     Machine-to-machine IPsec tunneling, operating system firewall, certificate authentication

d.     RDS jump server, reverse proxy

3.    Dedicated Application and Infrastructure Monitoring

4.    Hardened SWIFT Infrastructure

Administrative Controls: While performing the implementation, consultancy and guidance phase progresses to put in place the needed processes, procedures and information security documentation. 

In other words, as soon as you sign a Vault contract, you may simply specify your compliance date on SWIFT KYC Registry.

Get your quotation TODAY

SWIFT Migration to Release 7.2

It has been declared that SWIFT Migration to release 7.2 is mandatory before November 2018. This migration requires new hardware and fresh installation. For that matter, we are urging our clients to be ready as soon as possible by preparing all the hardware and software prerequisites for the migration as we  have set plans to start migration across the coutries where our customers are situated. Moreover, it is good to be reminded that by September 2018 SWIFT will end its support services for versions of Alliance and SWIFTNet previous to 7.2.

New version releases of AEG products

SWIFT 7.2 version mandates the update of all applications and tools that integrate with its ADK component. In response to this indication, we have updated all of our in-house product releases to be compatible with Release 7.2, and we are always in contact with our clients to inform them about the process of implementing the updates. It is notable to remember that all third-party products must be compatible with SWIFT 7.2 as well.

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